Trip Stumble Fall Productions
Trip Stumble Fall is a contemporary dance collective founded by Xinia in 2010.
Based in Auckland, New Zealand TSF have created a variety of works including performance installation and site-specific dance pieces.
Past Works
Seeing Sound (2018) - Site Specific
Trip Stumble Fall have searched out yet another site within Auckland City to dance in.
The silos!
Located down by the (now what is) new flash waterfront.
The silos are part of the inner-city furniture and have always been there watching containerships come and go, fisherman dock and unload their hoard, and seagulls potter around.
We will climb into them and investigate their scaps. Taking this exploration to a vibrational level, and playing with the "cylinder" how it carries sound and what the dancing body "sounds" like.
Unlike the usual proscenium theatre outlook for the audience, they will be able to roam around the silo spaces and observe the dance work from many different perspectives.
Location: Silo 6, Silo Park
Xinia Alderson
Conor Young
Erin Bowerman
Jane Carter
Xinia Alderson
Audio Engineer
Reuben Alderson

Aligned (2017)
What is learned? What comes naturally?
Posture, alignment - each day we hold our history, our habits.
"Imagine that the spine leaves a trail in space, similar to a high flying aeroplanes jet stream" - Eric Franklin
"The pelvis is a ball bouncing easily on the thigh bones" - Erin Franklin
Xinia Alderson
Jane Carter
Xinia Alderson

Dances For Small Spaces (2016) Site-Specific
Trip Stumble Fall took it to the street! Dance works in different sites around Auckland city. Accompanied by live music, the audience is taken on the walking tour to discover traditional pedestrian spaces used as a set and inspiration for contemporary dance.
Xinia Alderson
Jane Carter
Kimberly Young
Xinia Alderson
Danielle Chandler
Aasha Morrison-Essex
Morgan Albrecht
Fraser Hunter

Water Window (2014) Site-Specific
Climate Change is the theme, 1m-by-2.5m is the space the dancers have to perform in. Water levels begin to rise submerging the three performers, under the sea they dance, is it even possible in such a confined space?
Xinia Alderson
Dannielle Chandler
Grace Crawford
Xinia Alderson

True Ribs (2014)
True Ribs is the technical name for the attached ribs in the chest of the human body. The human heart is physically and metaphorically the centre of the body and is fuelled by the breath. It sustains life, it can be broken, fixed, worn out, skip, and even replaced. This has been the start of a little exploration into the mechanical workings and emotional beats of the lungs and heart.
Xinia Alderson & Dancers
Dannielle Chandler
Dayle Burgess
Erin Bowerman
Jane Carter
Sarah Yu
Xinia Alderson
Glass Vaults

Exponentially Not (2012)
Forward and back, light and dark, flipping and falling.
Xinia Alderson
Dannielle Chandler
Erin Bowerman
Digital Design
Rana Terry

Elixir (2012)
Elixir, initially inspired by the world of Zine, self-produced magazines created by anyone who is so inclined, about anything that tickles their fancy. Each page a creation in itself, separate poems, drawings, and rants about one chosen topic. This random assembly of thoughts is strangely attractive and complementary and is something which this dance work has explored. Exploration of different energies that inhabit humans as a result of love, when they’re in search of it, or when it just happens to appear beside them is Elixir. Solidarity, humour, playfulness, attraction, joy, angst, dejection, idealism are the essence, breath and flavour of life.
“An eclectic bag of treats is served on a platter as members of TSF present Elixir”
“TSF deliver a fresh and spirited performance that explores the great landscape of human thoughts and feelings. Their energy and enthusiasm is contagious.”
Xinia Alderson
Aya Nakamura
Conor Young
Erin Bowerman
Jane Carter
Sean Papuni
Sarah Yu

What Weekend (2011)
Can we do all the things? And if we try do we end up doing nothing well? Life can be compromise, bargaining, swapping this for that, balance, balance, balance.
Xinia Alderson
Aya Nakamura
Erin Bowerman
Jane Carter
Sean Papuni